What is BBL HERO?

BBL, or broadband light, has been proven to significantly improve skin quality. BBL HERO is an advanced IPL system that works faster and more effectively than older devices. The system emits specific light energy, which enters the skin to address an array of skin flaws quickly and effectively.

What can BBL HERO treat?

BBL Hero is the gold standard treatment to treat a wide array of skin problems, including:

  • Age spots
  • Sun spots
  • Spider veins
  • Rosacea
  • Splotchy skin
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Uneven or rough skin texture
  • Freckles
  • Dull skin
  • Telangiectasias (small, visible red blood vessels)

What are the benefits of BBL HERO?

BBL HERO is among the most effective treatment systems available in the USA. It delivers a range of benefits, including:

  • Stimulates natural collagen production
  • Lightens or removes hyperpigmentation
  • Corrects sun damaged skin
  • Tightens skin
  • Fast, effective, and works on all areas of the body
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What is the treatment with BBL HERO like?

When undergoing this groundbreaking skin rejuvenation treatment, you will be resting comfortably throughout the procedure. It is reasonably easy to tolerate without the need for the application of a numbing cream. The BBL HERO handpiece is passed over the treatment areas. As it moves over the face or body, a warming sensation is experienced when the light flash is emitted by the device. BBL HERO has a built-in cooling feature for comfort. Each area to be rejuvenated takes only a few minutes to treat. Immediately after the treatment, you will notice that the pigmented areas will appear darker.

What is the recovery from BBL HERO like?

Following the treatment, no significant downtime is required. You are free to go about your usual routine but must avoid sun exposure. If venturing out, apply sunscreen. It is normal to expect some swelling and redness, and a sensation that feels like sunburn which will fade in the days ahead. 

After the treatment, avoid the use of any scented or harsh skin products, and do not shave your skin. Wash your face with slightly warm water, gently with a special cleansing product. Do not swim in chlorinated pools. Avoid any activities that can cause you to perspire profusely and ensure you stay cool. Hyperpigmented skin issues such as freckles or sun spots will at first appear darker, with the pigment rising to the skin surface and then flaking off. In most cases, applying makeup is allowed.

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When will I see the results?

You should see the results appearing within one to two weeks after treatment. As the days pass, your skin will become smoother, with lines and wrinkles less visible. For optimal results, it is advised that you undergo a series of BBL HERO treatments, spaced at three month intervals. This series of treatments boosts the natural production of collagen and elastin, leaving your skin firmer and  more supple.

Why choose us?

Dr. Afrooz is a respected plastic surgeon who is a recognized leader in the art of skin and body rejuvenation. He has equipped his private offices with the BBL HERO system to ensure his patients have access to the best treatment devices available in the USA. Your journey to healthy, rejuvenated skin will be under the care of a certified skincare professional, delivered with personalized care and attention, in privacy. 

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