Unlocking a Youthful Glow with Advanced Technology

At Dr. Paul Afrooz's practice, you have access to this state-of-the-art skin resurfacing technology. Our expertise ensures you receive a personalized treatment plan addressing your skin concerns. Whether you want to refine skin texture, minimize wrinkles, or simply restore a more radiant, youthful appearance, we can assist you in achieving your aesthetic goals with the help of ProFractional™ skin resurfacing in Miami.

Before & After ProFractional™ Skin Resurfacing *Images courtesy of Sciton

What is ProFractional™ Laser Resurfacing?

ProFractional™ laser resurfacing is a cutting-edge skin rejuvenation treatment harnessing the power of fractionated erbium laser technology. This minimally invasive approach targets your skin at a microscopic level, promoting the production of new collagen.

Treatment areas and issues addressed include the following:

  • All skin types on both the face and body
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Acne and other scars
  • Fine lines
  • Deep-set wrinkles

Because of their lower absorption by water, CO2 lasers have reduced ablation efficiency, leading to a significant transfer of heat into the tissue. When coagulation is the goal, sub-ablative laser energy is administered in a series of pulses to heat the tissue to a chosen depth without causing vaporization.

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How Does the Erbium Laser Work?

Erbium laser, central to the Sciton ProFractional™ therapy, employs a mid-infrared wavelength of 2940nm. Unlike more superficial treatments, this specific wavelength precisely targets the water in your skin cells. 

Here’s how it works:

  • The principle here is selective photothermolysis, where only specific skin components are affected, leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed
  • Short pulses of energy penetrate the skin’s surface
  • The laser removes microscopic channels in your skin, creating a "wound healing" response
  • Around the channels, the skin is heated and not vaporized, leading to tissue tightening
  • It's a calibrated process designed to remove old and damaged skin cells, which stimulates your body's own healing process to create new, healthy cells

ProFractional™ Laser Resurfacing Benefits

  • Targeted Treatment: By focusing on a fraction of the skin at a time, ProFractional™ causes less skin trauma than full-field resurfacing. This results in a more comfortable experience and a quicker recovery.
  • Improved Skin Texture: Your skin will become smoother and softer as ProFractional™ promotes collagen remodeling.
  • Reduced Wrinkles and Fine Lines: You can expect a noticeable reduction in wrinkles and fine lines, giving your skin a more youthful appearance.
  • Scar Revision: ProFractional™ actively improves the appearance of scars, including acne scars.
  • Customizable Sessions: Your treatment plan can be tailored to your specific skin concerns and desired downtime.
  • Skin Resilience: Enhanced collagen production from treatments may lead to more resilient skin over time.
  • Versatility: ProFractional™ is versatile and effective on most skin types, treating various issues from aging skin to sun damage.
  • Minimal Downtime: You can return to your regular skincare routine more rapidly as the surrounding tissue aids in recovery, accelerating the healing process. Feel confident knowing your skin can continue to improve over several weeks as new collagen forms.
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woman with her hand on her face

Am I a Good Candidate for ProFractional™ Laser Resurfacing?

Candidacy factors for laser skin resurfacing in Miami with Dr. Afrooz include the following:

  • Desire to diminish scars, wrinkles, sun damage, or fine lines
  • Good general health status
  • No history of keloid scarring
  • Willingness to adhere to care instructions

What to Expect Before, During, and After ProFractional™ Laser Resurfacing

Pre-Treatment Preparations

The first step is to attend a consultation with Dr. Afrooz and our team. During this appointment, we will discuss your aesthetic concerns and medical history and thoroughly examine your skin to determine whether treatment is right for you. We may also advise you to:

  • Avoid sun exposure, minimize sunbathing, and use sunscreen to prevent sunburns on the area to be treated
  • Discontinue the use of any medication that might increase bleeding, like aspirin or certain supplements
  • Pause or alter your current skincare routine, specifically products containing retinoids or glycolic acid

During the Procedure

First, your skin will be thoroughly cleaned to remove oils and makeup. A topical anesthetic will be applied to the target area to minimize discomfort.

Next, the ProFractional™ laser will be moved across the skin, sending targeted beams to create microchannels that stimulate collagen production. During the treatment, you may feel a sensation similar to a rubber band snapping against your skin.

Post-Treatment Care and Recovery

After the procedure, follow these guidelines to ensure proper healing and maximize the benefits of the treatment:

  • Apply prescribed ointments to keep the skin moist and protect the newly treated layers
  • Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily and avoid direct sun exposure as your skin heals
  • You may experience redness and swelling similar to a sunburn, lasting from a couple of days to one week
  • Use gentle, non-irritating products on your skin until Dr. Afrooz indicates it's safe to resume your regular skincare routine
  • Most patients find they need one to three ProFractional™ treatments, followed by a series of annual maintenance treatments to protect and prolong their results
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Dr. Paul Afrooz

Why Choose Dr. Afrooz for ProFractional™ Laser Resurfacing?

When seeking ProFractional™ Laser Resurfacing, Dr. Afrooz's expertise stands out for numerous reasons. His qualifications and commitment to patient satisfaction position him as a top choice for this advanced skin rejuvenation procedure. Our practice employs state-of-the-art equipment to ensure precise and effective treatments. ProFractional™ technology allows targeted treatment, promoting faster healing and optimal results with minimal downtime. Because your comfort and safety are paramount, Dr. Afrooz and his team provide comprehensive aftercare instructions and support throughout your recovery.

Learn More About Dr. Paul Afrooz

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